New age Shemales

Hi, I'm Erin! I'm a submissive sissy who loves pantyhose, body stockings and tights. I'm kinda short with an average build except for my thick legs, thighs, and phat ass, lol! I love feeling girly. So sometimes late at night I secretly have gay...

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UPDATED- 06/30/2015 Looking to date a country cowboy, {and it's not all about sex either} who's a cowboy--all day long! Must be tall, preferably over 6 foot, nicely built. MUST wear a cowboy hat and boots!!! No wannabes or fakers! MUST, I...

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A part time CD girl who is seeking other girls like me to dress and have fun together.

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I am down to earth and love trying new things as well as some time tested fun stuff. I am not a serial dater or looking for a one nighter.

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woman trapped in mans body. would like to meet simalar for frendship\fun

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Making my dreams come true. Heart of glass don't break. I'm a interestkmg person.

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Um hi or something :0 I'm Justin I'm 6'2 235lbs I'm a taxi driver here in Las Vegas I only drive American muscle My daily driver is a 2012 Chevy suburban 4x4 And Rite now I'm restoring a 1995 transam to her former glory..... As far as you girls go...

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Nothing better than curling up with a good book, a little wine, a soft breeze blowing through the open window, oh, it's a bit cold though (rubs thighs)... oh no, I've snagged my nylons, damn it (throws comforter over head, after a moment the sound of...

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Summer 2024 Travel update, i will be in the Space Coast Area of Florida late August to early October for all the Alphas in the area. I frequently visit Apollo and Playlinda beaches. Alpha tops who are looking for that easy slutty sissy, I am here...

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