Spiritual Shemales

Hi, I'm Erin! I'm a submissive sissy who loves pantyhose, body stockings and tights. I'm kinda short with an average build except for my thick legs, thighs, and phat ass, lol! I love feeling girly. So sometimes late at night I secretly have gay...

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5'5" tall stocky transgendered girl with blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair , loves hugs and cuddling and kissing.have been on hormones for 4 and half years, and have blossoming breasts, will have SRS surgery, am 70 but look and feel and look...

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hello my name is Allyssa. Im looking for someone who is honest and secure with themselves emotionally, and not afraid to live life and take chances. Someone WHO IS NONJUDGMENTAL with a sense of loyalty and integrity who's a hard worker. Im 5' 9...

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A part time CD girl who is seeking other girls like me to dress and have fun together.

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I'm a fun, loving T-girl looking for a strong, faithful, muscular, masculine guy.

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35 hwp single looking for a man who is secure in himself and know whats he wants. I am a very beautiful latina ts.

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Time to take a break......Unless there's someone to change my mind

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