Electronic Shemales

Hi, I'm Erin! I'm a submissive sissy who loves pantyhose, body stockings and tights. I'm kinda short with an average build except for my thick legs, thighs, and phat ass, lol! I love feeling girly. So sometimes late at night I secretly have gay...

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I am down to earth and love trying new things as well as some time tested fun stuff. I am not a serial dater or looking for a one nighter.

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Im funny, charming , caring, sweet , sarcastic, motivated, sensual and romantic. Just to name a few traits lol. Hit me up, say hi!

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So some basic info about me, I consider myself to be a pretty chill person who is easy to get along with. I am also a fairly shy person at first but as i get 2 know someone that goes away. Sexually i'm pretty much open 2 anything that seems right, I...

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Hey there! I'm a 39 year old Transgender Woman who's outgoing, friendly, open-minded, & easy to get along with (I think) :-) I enjoy meeting new people and making new friends. I'm into guys who are open-minded, accepting, and willing to get to know...

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About Me: I have dabbled with crossdressing before and I am taking it further. I am not on actual hormones, but have been slowly transitioning with supplements and herbs that influence estrogen levels. I can be a little shy at times, but I would...

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[Update 2019] Finally starting to find time for my own personal life again... got a bit lost chasing dollar bills instead of happiness. Hoping to spend more time here exploring past where I lost the plot, ha. -- An intelligent, athletic, and...

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Fun, quirky, label free, spontaneous. Ask to learn more

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just a t-girl trying to find real people. Update: Real B Cups! Working towards B's Real people, who won't play messed up games with me. After a recent experience: I must state that just because I may have things posted here that I'd like to try...

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