BDSM Shemales

Hi, I'm Erin! I'm a submissive sissy who loves pantyhose, body stockings and tights. I'm kinda short with an average build except for my thick legs, thighs, and phat ass, lol! I love feeling girly. So sometimes late at night I secretly have gay...

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Nothing better than curling up with a good book, a little wine, a soft breeze blowing through the open window, oh, it's a bit cold though (rubs thighs)... oh no, I've snagged my nylons, damn it (throws comforter over head, after a moment the sound of...

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35 year old, tv likes men, 5ft10, med build, 9 inch dick, and does not want to be a transexual, will do most things, up4 relationship 2.

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Clean hot sissy sub bottom looking for an alpha top man to spent fun and enjoy each other.

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